Only candidates who have been offered Admission into the Polytechnic for the current session can use this facility.

Before you can complete the online acceptance form;

(a)  Ensure that you have checked your admission status and that you have printed a copy of your admission notification slip.

(b)  Take the admission notification slip to the bank and ensure that you pay the Acceptance fee of N2,300 and obtain an Acceptance Access Card.


If your Name is NOT on the Admission list DO NOT Attempt to Accept. Doing so will invalidate your Acceptance Card and you will have to re-purchase another one if eventually you are admitted for the current session.  If you have checked and your name is on the list;


1.  Open to the students online information service by typing on your browser

2.  Click on Accept Admission on the menu bar.

3.  Type in your Registration Number and your card Pin Code.


(a) Your registration number is the same number you used to check admissions.

(b) Your Pin Number is the number you see when you scratch off the covered portion of your Acceptance Access Card.

If your Name is on the current Admission List. An Acceptance form will be displayed for you to complete. This form will already contain your Names, your Registration Number, the Course and Department you are admitted to. You will be required to fill your personal information and the Teller Number and Amount you paid.

4. Click submits to accept admission.


Ensure that you supply correct information especially your payment details because any false information will incriminate you and you may loose your admission.

5. Print a copy of this Acceptance form. You will need it to pay your school fees before you register.